ProSweet Bee Feed 6.75kg

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SKU: F0901
Regular price $49.00 inc. GST

ProSweet is a syrup of extremely high purity consisting primarily of fructose and glucose, with only a minor amount of sucrose just like honey.

Pro-Sweet is produced enzymatically so its about as natural as you can get to the real thing - honey.


  • ProSweet contains no forms of sugar that strain bees' digestive tract.
  • Unlike sugar syrup, ProSweet has both binominal (which bees treat like nectar) and monomial sugars (which bees treat like honey).
  • The high fructose content means that the ProSweet shows little tendency to granulate in the honeycombs, even at low temperatures.
  • This pack of ProSweet is supplied in a robust jerrycan to ensure it travels safely.